- +1 (234) 277-8625
- QStock@BarcodesInc.com
In food distribution, lot and expiry information is critical to ensure safety for our customers. If you distribute meat and fish, catchweight is critical to ensure you pay the right amount for what you receive, and you charge the right amount for what you ship. QStock Inventory’s Catchweight module ensures that Receivers and Invoices accurately reflect the weights, and include the individual weights for accuracy and auditability.
Effortless data entry for businesses looking to compete with Amazon for speed between order placement, and shipment to customer.
Forward and Backward tracking of information like Lot, Expiry Date, Manufacture Date & Serials for needs from food to cannabis & consumer electronics to medical devices.
Easily and quickly interact with your inventory with barcode scanning. Point and click to perform Moves, Adjustments, Receiving, and Picking.
Plan and schedule Work Orders and track your consumption of raw materials to finished goods, with visibility to need and build capacity for planning.
A 50 pound bag of rice is usually 50 pounds, but a 40 pound case of chicken will vary 5-10%. For food distributors that 5-10% can make a huge difference in profitability. If you are tracking catchweights in a spreadsheet today, give us a call to see how an automated capture and reporting process can make you more efficient and more profitable.
We know you probably have a number of questions about other integrations and industries that QStock Inventory works with or maybe want to see a demo.
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Lets schedule a time to connect and dive into your business