Hi, this is Justin from QStock Inventory. Today I want to talk about the 3 biggest factors investigating multi-warehouse inventory management systems.
When you first start out in business, it is easy to walk into the warehouse to see what you have, if you can fulfill that big order that just came in, and make sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing.
As you grow into multiple distinct departments and multiple buildings it just isn’t possible to walk to the product and see if it is available. You need to have an eye on your enterprise from a single console so you can have access to those critical numbers at a moments notice.
One of the biggest Returns on Investment with a barcoded Inventory Management system is the huge time savings you get with scanning. Data entry is the smallest but most visible, but you can expect a huge time savings with the accuracy.
Entering data takes seconds, but so much time is lost going back and trying to fix data. Imagine how much time you can save having data you can rely on!
Once you have made the leap to two locations, you might quickly be looking for a third. It is important that the system you choose is able to scale at the speed your customers are demanding of you.
It is also critical that you have a team of experts who have handled businesses of all sizes to make sure you take each step in the right direction.
QStock Inventory is the system that will help give you the visibility, efficiency, and scalability you need in today’s market. Our team of experts are standing by to help propel you into the next stage of your business.
If would like to schedule a free consultation to see if QStock is right for you, Contact Us Today by filling in the form below or call us at (408) 252-9000. We would love to hear about your business and how QStock can help you achieve your business goals.