Slaying the Paper Dragon for Accounts Payable

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How much time does your business spend chasing paper to verify information, only to find the paper is lost?

That is a problem we find on almost every new customer. When they see the numbers the Warehouse received show up in the accounting system second after receiving, you can head an audible gasp as they realize how much time and frustration that will save them!

In this video I interview QStock Inventory’s own Kirstin Saxon, who lived the Accounts Payable life and has some amazing examples. I bring up the Operations end as a former Warehouse Manager and we discover how much pain it is for both sides of the equation, and how QStock Inventory slays that paper dragon.

  • How many hours per week does AP spend chasing a receipt to prove what was actually received?
  • How many hours is Operations losing trying to funnel paper from the warehouse floor, to the Operations office, then upstairs to Accounting?
  • How many documents get lost every month, and how much is overpaid to Vendors?

Book a call with James to see how much QStock Inventory can save you in chasing paper alone:

Justin Velthoen

Justin Velthoen

Justin Velthoen has 20 years of supply chain experience, from food distribution to manufacturing, to systems management and implementation. His primary focus is helping businesses realize the cost savings directly to their bottom line.

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QStock offers Warehouse Control, Integrated Shipping, eCommerce, ASNs, Commercial Invoices, Customer Portal, Drop Ship, Lot & Serial Track and Trace, Work Order, with compliance label printing from FDA UDI compliance to SSCC-18 Labels.

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